Payment reports
The Payments page of the dashboard provides a list of all of the Payments you’ve collected through GoCardless, with details such as the payments status, charge date, amount, etc. You can click on any of the Payment records to drill down into the history of the Payment.
You can export Payments data from the dashboard by navigating to the Payments Payments page, and selecting Export in the top right corner.
Note, you can filter the export using the tool at the top of the page.
Column | Data | Description |
A |
id |
Payment ID |
B |
created_at |
Date the payment was created in the GoCardless dashboard |
C |
charge date |
Date the payment was charged |
D |
amount |
Payment amount |
E |
description |
Payment description |
F |
currency |
Currency the payment is in |
G |
status |
Current payment status |
H |
amount_refunded |
Amount refunded from the payment (if applicable) |
I |
reference |
Payment reference (if applicable) |
J |
transaction_fee |
Transaction fee deducted from the payment |
K |
payout_date |
Date the payment was paid out |
L | app_fee | App fee deducted from the payment (if applicable) |
M | links.mandate | Mandate ID linked to the payment |
N | links.creditor | Creditor ID linked to the payment |
O | links.customer | Customer ID linked to the payment |
P | links.payout | Payout ID linked to the payment |
Q | links.subscription | Subscription ID linked to the payment (if applicable) |
R | | Customer ID linked to the payment |
S | customers.created_at | Date the customer was created at |
T | | Customer's email address |
U | customers.given_name | Customer first name |
V | customers.family_name | Customer surname |
W | customers.company_name | Customer company name (if applicable) |
X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, AD | Various | Customer address |
AF | customers.swedish_identity_number | Swedish identity number (if applicable) |
AG | customers.active_mandates | Customer mandate status |
AH | transaction_fee_tax | Tax applied to transaction fee |
AJ onwards (optional) | metadata.order_id | Metadata (if applicable) |
The Payments export contains data from the following APIs:
Payout Items