Payer notifications
Automated notifications are sent by GoCardless following one of several key events or actions taking place.
Payer notification emails can only be sent to one email address. The customer can update their email address by contacting GoCardless or the merchant directly.
Type of email: Authorisations
[Merchant name] would like authorisation to take payment from you |
Merchant has sent a request to a customer to set up a new Direct Debit. The email includes a link to the online authorisation page. |
Reminder: [Business name] would like authorisation to take payment from you |
Reminder email triggered by the merchant to request the set up of a new Direct Debit. |
[Merchant name] would like to set up your instalment schedule |
Merchant has sent a request to a customer to set up a new instalment schedule. The email includes a link to the online authorisation page. |
Reminder: [Merchant name] would like to set up your instalment schedule |
Reminder email triggered by the merchant to request the set up of a new instalment schedule. |
[Merchant name] has invited you to join [Subscription name] |
Merchant has sent a request to a customer to set up a Direct Debit for the subscription (payment plan) specified. Once the authorisation form is completed, the subscription will begin automatically. |
Reminder: [Merchant name] has invited you to join [Subscription name] |
Reminder email triggered by the merchant to request the set up of the Direct Debit and combined subscription (payment plan). |
You've set up a Direct Debit |
Confirmation email sent upon successful completion of the online authorisation form by the customer, or when the merchant has created the customer (Merchant using offline mandate and/or Custom Payment Pages). This email applies to both unrestricted and restricted mandates. |
Your Direct Debit mandate could not be set up |
Sent upon receiving notification from the customer's bank that their Direct Debit was unable to be set up. (Often we see this when a Savings account was used rather than a Current account). |
Your Direct Debit mandate has expired |
Email sent when GoCardless receives notification from the customer's bank advising that their Direct Debit mandate has expired due to inactivity. |
Your Direct Debit mandate has been cancelled |
Confirmation of cancellation of your Direct Debit mandate with the specified business/merchant. |
Type of email: Payments
Make a one-off payment to [Merchant name] |
Merchant has sent a request to a customer to collect an instant payment. The email includes a link to the online authorisation page. |
Upcoming Direct Debit payment to [Merchant name] |
Advanced notice of a payment due to be collected. The timeframe this is sent varies between Direct Debit schemes. |
Payment to [Merchant name] cancelled |
This notification email is sent when the merchant has cancelled the customer's upcoming payment. |
Payment to [Merchant name] charged back |
Notification advising the customer that their payment to the merchant named has been charged back by their bank and returned to the customer's bank account. |
Chargeback cancelled |
The customer has cancelled their request to chargeback a payment to the specified merchant. (The payment will be returned to the merchant via GoCardless). |
Your payment to [Merchant name] has failed |
Sent once GoCardless receives notification of payment failure from customer's bank - most commonly sent 1 business day after charge date, but can take longer on occasion. |
Approve a new payment to [Merchant name] |
If the customer has a restricted mandate, they are required to approve each individual payment created for them. This email provides the link to approve. |
Reattempted Direct Debit payment to [Merchant name] |
The merchant has retried a payment that previously failed to be collected. |
[Merchant name] has sent you a refund of [X amount] |
Email notifying the customer that the merchant they're paying has issued a refund for the amount specified. |
Type of email: Subscriptions / Payment plans
You've set up a Direct Debit instalment schedule |
Sent to the customer upon creation of their new instalment schedule. |
Your instalment schedule has been cancelled |
Sent following the merchant's cancellation of the customer's instalement schedule. |
You've set up a Direct Debit subscription |
Sent to the customer upon creation of their new subscription. |
Set up a new subscription to [Merchant name] |
Request to approve a new subscription, sent to customers with a restricted mandate. |
Your subscription to [Merchant name] has been updated |
Notification advising the customer that the merchant they're paying has updated the amount being charged for their subscription. |
Your subscription to [Merchant name] has been cancelled |
Sent following the merchant's cancellation of the customer's subscription. |
Your subscription to [Merchant name] has finished |
Sent to the customer upon expiration of their subscription. Only applies to subscriptions with a defined end date / fixed number of payments. |
Your subscription to [Merchant name] has been paused. |
Sent when a merchant has paused a customer’s subscription. |
Your subscription to [Merchant name] has been resumed |
Sent when a merchant has resumed a customer’s subscription. |