Manually syncing Xero customers to your account
Xero has launched a new version of the GoCardless integration as of the 7th of April 2021. If this guide does not reflect your experience please switch to the new support guide here.
You may find in some cases that your customer in your GoCardless for Xero account is not automatically linked to the same customer record in your Xero account once added.
When this happens, you can request a new Xero Sync from within your GoCardless for Xero dashboard.
Please note: Your customer must be added in your Xero account and have had at least one invoice created for them in order for the customer records to sync.
To perform the sync:
Open the Customers page within your GoCardless for Xero dashboard
On the Customers page, click Sync status
A window will appear to confirm that the sync has been requested
The sync can take up to five minutes to complete. If after five minutes there has been no change, try refreshing the browser page.