BECS NZ payment timings
If you are creating a payment for a customer, with an active authorisation, it will take 2 business days before the customer is charged.
Once the customer has been charged, it will take a further 4 business days before the funds are paid out to you and received by your bank.
Please note: The timings are based on the payments being collected as soon as possible. If a payment is created in advance, for example with a specific charge date, then the payment would be submitted automatically on the charge date.
Creation deadline |
D-2 at 5 pm (NZST) |
Charge date (D) |
Day 0 |
Payout received |
D+4 |
International Payments
If you are collecting payments internationally with FX, please allow an extra 2-4 business days to receive your payout.
As illustrated above, after a payment is created (in this case on the 9th of the month), it is submitted to the bank for processing 2 business days later. The payment is collected from the customer the same day it’s submitted, 2 working days after it has been created.
It is then paid out and received into your bank account 4 business days later (6 days after creation).
The timings are based on the payments being collected as soon as possible. If a payment is created in advance, for example with a specific charge date, then the payment would be submitted automatically on the charge date.
'Created' refers to the creation deadline - the latest day a payment can be created (at 5 pm) to be collected from the customer on the charge date shown in the calendar example above.
BECS NZ payment authorisations are only set up when the first payment is due to be processed. The authorisation is submitted with the first payment.
In the case of payments with a scheduled charge date falling on a Monday, or Tuesday; following a Monday which is a public holiday, your last opportunity to cancel the payment is 04:00 NZST on the Saturday prior to the charge date.
When will I receive the payment?
Approximately, 6 business days after the payment has been created.
What happens if I miss the daily creation deadline?
The payment process will start on the next business day.
What happens if there is a national public holiday where I am based / where I am collecting the payment from?
Payments are not processed on national public holidays and will move to the next business day. Payouts that are due to be paid out on a national public holiday will move to the next business day.