Archive or Restore a customer in GoCardless for Xero
If you no longer wish to have a customer record showing on your GoCardless for Xero dashboard, you can archive the record so that it is not displayed in your customer list.
You may wish to archive a customer record for any of the following reasons:
You no longer work with this customer and so will not be charging them again
The record is a duplicate
The record only has a cross in the left-hand column meaning it is simply a cancelled mandate
You do not wish to ever collect payments from this customer via GoCardless
Please note: When you archive a customer, GoCardless for Xero will no longer automatically collect payments from that customer.
To archive a customer
To restore a customer
1. To archive a customer
First head to your customers list in GoCardless for Xero
Then select the three dots in the actions column for the customer that you would like to archive and click on archive.
Upon archiving a customer any pending submission payments will not be affected. These can be cancelled on the GoCardless for Xero Invoices Page.
2. To restore a customer
If you need to unarchive a customer for any reason, you can do so by viewing the archived customer list.
First head to your customers list in GoCardless for Xero and then select view archive in the top right.
Then click the three dots in the actions column for the customer you wish to unarchive and click restore.