This article will show you how you can track the status of payments being collected from your customers.
There are two ways to track the status of payments you've taken:
- From the payments section of your dashboard, you can see a list of all the payments you've taken. You can filter the payments either by when they were create or by the current status of the payment. A common use case is filtering the results to see payments that have recently failed.
- From the customers section of your dashboard, you can see a list of the payments taken from each customer after selecting a customer from this page.
When clicking on a payment, you can see further details relating to that payment. You can also see a detailed payment history.
The payment history for a successful payment will look like the following:
Meanwhile, the payment history for a failed payment will look like this:
Please note: Both examples above were generated via our Sandbox environment using our Scenario Simulators to speed up the process. This is the reason why the date is the same for each status update. In our live environment the dates shown would correspond to our normal payment timings process.
For payments that have failed, you can retry the payment by clicking Retry in the top right of your screen.
Find out more about retrying failed payments.