Set up a subscription payment
Recurring payment subscriptions can be set up for existing customers individually via their customer record.
Click Customers or locate your customer via the search bar
Select the customer
Click Create subscription
Enter the name and recurring amount to be collected
Use the Recurring field to choose the payment frequency
Set the first charge date
Select the length of time the subscription should run for
Click Create subscription
The subscription will now appear in the corresponding section of the customer’s record. Each time a payment becomes due for collection, it will be created and appear in the Payments section of the customer’s record, and on the Payments page of your dashboard.
There are also two optional Advanced options that you can choose to add before you click Create subscription:
Once you have clicked on Advanced options the window will expand to give two additional options.
The first option, Mandate, enables you to select which mandate you’d like to charge, should the customer have more than one.
The second option, Custom fields, allows you to add additional information to the subscription.