Transactions and fees FAQs
Transaction fees will vary depending on your business location and if the payment to be collected is considered domestic or international.
The fee payable per transaction is dependent on the plan you select. You can find more information on our plan fees in the articles relating to the plans;
Transaction fees on all our plans are deducted at source upon collection of payments from your customers.
Please note that add-ons are billed separately from transaction fees as add-ons come with a recurring monthly charge. To find out more about add-ons, please click here.
Custom Pricing
Please note: The transaction fees covered in this article only apply to GoCardless customers who are not on a Custom Pricing contract. GoCardless customers that have a Custom Pricing contract with us will have a Custom Pricing structure applied for transaction and/or monthly fees.
Transaction fees
Transaction fees are charged for each payment that has been submitted.
The transaction fee will vary depending on your business location and whether the payment to be collected is considered a domestic or international payment.
You can find an overview of our transaction fees on our pricing page.
Domestic payments are defined as payment collected in the GoCardless customer’s home scheme (i.e. the scheme of the country in which the business is registered). They are charged a percentage plus a fixed fee and are capped. In certain countries and for certain schemes, we charge a high-value transaction fee which means that over a certain threshold we charge an additional fee on the portion of the transaction above the threshold.
International payments are defined as payments made outside of the GoCardless customer’s home scheme. They are also charged a percentage plus a fixed fee but they are not capped and the high-value transaction fee doesn’t apply.
The percentage element of the domestic and international fee will vary depending on the plan you are on.
The transaction fees for international payments are always paid in the payer’s currency. The caps and High-Value Transaction (HVT) surcharge do not apply to international payments.
The below collection scenarios are not deemed international and will be charged the domestic fee instead:
If you’re a UK business collecting SEPA payments via a Euro Payout account
If you’re an Australian business collecting BECS NZ payments via a New-Zealand dollars Payout account
If you’re a New Zealand business collecting BECS payments via an Australian Dollars Payout account
We also have separate fixed fees for ancillary transactions such as refunds, chargebacks and failures. Please note that:
Refund fees apply to all refunds
Chargeback fees apply to all chargebacks in the US, Germany and Austria and are subject to different rules in other countries.
Failure fees only applies in the US, Germany and Austria
In addition to this, we charge monthly fees for certain add-on features. Find out more here.
App fees
App fees are sometimes charged by partner integrations for use of their platform. The app fees are charged in addition to our transaction fees and are most commonly a percentage of the payment amount being charged.
If you are being charged app fees, these will show as a separate transaction line against collected payments and payouts in your dashboard.
Paying your transaction fees
We calculate and apply the transaction fee to the payment once it is in the status ‘confirmed’, which typically happens 1 working day after the payment has been collected from your customer but this varies for each scheme.
For Custom Pricing customers, the transaction fee is invoiced.
For customers who are not on Custom Pricing, the transaction fees are deducted at source, which means it is deducted from the payment before it is paid out to you. On the payout day you will receive the collected payment minus the transaction fee.
Viewing your fees
Although transaction fees are not invoiced or charged separately, you are able to download a monthly invoice for your transaction fees.
Please note that for Custom Pricing customers, the fees are invoiced.
Downloading an invoice for your transaction fees
You can request an invoice for your monthly GoCardless fees via your dashboard.
To request this information, log into your dashboard and click on Settings and then Company Info. You can then select the month from the dropdown menu.
You can also get a breakdown of the fees you've paid by exporting your payout breakdown as a CSV file from within your dashboard.
Please note: If you are on our Custom Pricing offering, you will need to raise a ticket with our Support team to request an invoice for your fees.
For a breakdown of the fees, please click here.