Custom notifications
Please note: Availability of plans and features may vary by region. Please consult our Product Bundle Description to read the full details.
As a pull-based payment method, most bank debit schemes across the globe have strict regulations when it comes to ensuring that payers are notified of certain payment actions affecting them. These are:
The setup of a new authorisation enabling a business or organisation to collect payments from their bank account;
Advance notice of any upcoming single payment due to be collected from their account, or prior to the start of any recurring subscriptions.
Custom notifications ensure you have full control over this aspect of your clients’ experience, from fully customised branding all the way through to where they fit in your customer journey, either within or alongside the messages your customers normally receive as part of your service. For example, an authorisation confirmation message could be included within a welcome email or a payment notification could be included as part of an invoice.
You can choose between full and partial notifications:
Full notifications:
to be used for postal notifications
to have no notifications sent from GoCardless at all
do not need to use the API
Partial notifications:
not for postal notifications
only want to handle some of the notifications
built as part of their API integration
For more information on partial notifications, please see here .
When requesting custom notifications, please let us know if you would like full or partial notifications.
Please note: Custom notifications are a feature available to customers on our Advanced and Pro pricing plan only. Please see our Pricing page for more details.
Preparing your notifications
You will need to design templates for each of the notifications you'll be sending, ensuring that they contain all the required information. Details of the requirements for each region can be found via the following links :
Australia (BECS) |
Canada (PAD) |
Denmark (Betalingsservice) |
Eurozone (SEPA) |
New Zealand (BECS NZ) |
Sweden (Autogiro) |
United Kingdom (Bacs) |
United States (ACH) |