How to collect payments with GoCardless for Xero
Please note: Xero has launched a new version of the GoCardless integration as of the 7th of April 2021. If these guides do not reflect your experience please switch to the new support guide here.
There are a number of different ways GoCardless for Xero can be used to collect payments via Xero.
Offering GoCardless via a Pay by Direct Debit button on your invoice
If you use this method, GoCardless will be available on your invoice via a Pay by Direct Debit button. In order to have that, you need to do the following:
Setup GoCardless for Xero:
Adding the Pay by Direct Debit button to specific invoices:
Create a branding theme on Xero for invoices that you wish to collect by Direct Debit.
If you would like all invoices to be collected by Direct Debit this step can be skipped. This step can also be skipped if there is already more than one invoice branding theme setup and you would like to apply the “Pay by Direct Debit” button to an existing theme. -
Go to the Xero payments page on the GoCardless for Xero dashboard:
There you will see a table with the branding themes you have created on Xero. Under the heading Pay Invoice Online switch on the branding themes, you wish to collect by Direct Debit and click Save.
We have a guide that goes into a few more details here: GoCardless for Xero - Adding Pay Online Button.
The Pay by Direct Debit option will now automatically appear on all invoices with the selected invoice branding themes and the Payment Service can now be managed on each individual Xero invoice. When viewing the invoice in Xero click manage (under Online Payments) to add or remove the option.
Collecting invoices automatically
Payments can be automatically collected for customers who have already signed a Direct Debit mandate. Payments are collected on the invoice due date or as soon after the due date as possible. You can read more here: GoCardless for Xero - Automating Payment Collections.
Collecting payments manually
After a customer has signed a mandate payments can be manually collected from the GoCardless for Xero Invoices page. You can read more here: GoCardless for Xero - Manual Collection.
Splitting payments in instalments
If a customer would like to pay a large invoice via instalments that can be done on the GoCardless for Xero Invoices page, just hover over one of the Collect.. button on one of the invoices that can be collected to see the option Split into instalments. You can read more on: GoCardless for Xero - Instalments.