Matching customers in GoCardless for Xero
If a customer has an active mandate but has not been linked to a Xero ID they need to be manually linked to enable automatic reconciliation and payments to be taken.
Please note: If you signed up to GoCardless for Xero as an existing GoCardless customer with pre-existing customer mandates then the system will automatically import mandates and attempt to match them to Xero records based on email address. You only need to match customers who aren’t matched automatically.
Identifying customers that need matching to their Xero record
Matching a customer
1. Identifying customers that need matching to their Xero record
GoCardless for Xero will identify when you have one or more customers that need matching and let you know in the Alerts & Notifications section of your dashboard homepage.
You can also see when a customer has an active mandate but is not linked to Xero on the Customers page of your GoCardless for Xero dashboard.
2. Matching a customer
First, check that the customer record does exist within your Xero account. If they don't, you will need to create their record in Xero before you can match them to their mandate in GoCardless for Xero.
Click on the Matching Customers box in the centre of your Dashboard homepage.
Click on the search box in the row of the customer you would like to match and begin typing their name as it appears in Xero. You will need to have created an invoice for the customer in order for GoCardless for Xero to be able to find the customer in Xero. (This can be a draft invoice). If you're still not finding the customer record, you may need to try using Advanced Matching.
Once the correct customer appears, select their name and click Match.