In this article you will learn how to create plans, which you can then use to assign, send to, or have multiple customers sign up to.
View our video walkthrough on how to create a plan via your dashboard, or alternatively scroll down to read the article.
If you need to assign several customers to the same subscription you can save time by creating a plan. Plans are subscription templates that you can assign multiple customers to, instead of creating each individually.
To create a plan...
1. Click on the Plans tab within your dashboard menu, then click Create plan at the top right of the page
2. In the window that opens choose a name, amount, and schedule for your plan
3. Advanced options enables you to add a redirect URL link
The URL you enter is where your customers will be navigated to once they submit the online Direct Debit authorisation form linked to this plan.
4. Once you’ve added all the details for your new plan, simply click Create plan
You’ll now see the Plan that you just created listed on the Plans page of your dashboard.
Learn how to invite or add customers to your plan.