Our Pro package has a fixed monthly fee per scheme, as well as fees per transaction which can be found at gocardless.com/pricing. The monthly fees are as follows:
ACH | USA | USD$75 |
Autogiro | Sweden | 2,500kr |
Bacs | UK | £200 |
BECS | Australia | A$350 |
BECS NZ | New Zealand | NZD$400 |
Betalingsservice | Denmark | DKK 2,000 |
PAD | Canada | CAD$350 |
SEPA | Eurozone | €250 |
You will be invoiced each month for your Pro package monthly fee, which will be collected from you via Direct Debit. Your transaction fees will be deducted at source before your customers funds are sent to you.
The Pro service runs on a monthly rolling contract. If you would like to cancel your contract, please note that we require 30 days notice.
Please note that if you upgraded to Pro before 2020, your contract might require more than 30 days notice.