Additional information on entity types
Please select from the options below the correct information for where your business is based.
Limited Company
Proprietary companies (Pty LTD) are able to use GoCardless.
This business type is registered with:
Individual/sole trader
Australian individual/sole traders can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers.
Examples of businesses that may fall under this business type include freelancers and personal trainers.
Australian Partnership (unlimited) and Limited Liability Partnerships can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers.
Partnership (unlimited) - All partners are equally responsible for the management of the business, and each has unlimited liability.
Limited Liability Partnerships - The liability of one or more partners for the debts and obligations of the business is limited.
A Trust is overseen by an individual or organisation (Trustee) for the benefit of others (beneficiaries).
Typically, a Proprietary companies (Pty LTD) can act as a Corporate Trustee. If this is the case, the Proprietary company will not have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
There are two types of corporations in Canada that can use GoCardless to collect payments:
Federally Incorporated Corporations Have a 7 digit Corporation number, followed by a dash and another digit Also has a 15 digit business number, ending in RC0001 Can be found on the online Federal Corporation Register
Provincially Incorporated Corporations Registration numbers for these organisations will vary on the province Can be found on the online Provincial and Territorial Register.
Individual/sole trader
Canadian individual/sole traders can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers.
Examples of businesses that may fall under this business type include freelancers and personal trainers.
Canadian general partnerships and limited liability partnerships can use GoCardless to collect payments in PAD.
Limited liability partnerships are available in some provinces but often only to certain professions such as lawyers, accountants and doctors.
Limited Company
There are four types of limited company in France that can use GoCardless to collect payments:
Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) A limited liability company that has between 2 and 50 shareholders and a managing director.
Entreprise Unipersonelle à Responsibilité Limitée (EURL) A limited liability company that has 1 shareholder and has been set up by 1 person, who is considered the managing director.
Société par Actions Simplifiées (SAS) A limited company that has at least 2 shareholders and a minimum capital of €23,000.
Société par Actions Simplifiées Unipersonnelle (SASU) A limited company that can be set up by 1 person. The minimum capital is €37,000 or €225,000 if you want your stock to be publicly traded.
French charitable organisations that have either ether of the following can use GoCardless:
A SIRET/SIREN number is required if the charitable organisation:
IMPORTANT: If your organisation has its own SIRET/SIREN number, please sign up to GoCardless as a limited company.
Individual/sole trader
French individual/sole traders Entreprise Individuelle (EI) can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers.
This business type is owned and operated by a sole individual with no distinction between the owner and the business entity.
Limited Company
There are two types of limited company in Germany that can use GoCardless to collect payments:
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GMBH) This is a private limited liability company. It is required to meet €25,000 of legally mandated share capital.
Unternehmergesellschatf (UG) This is an entrepreneurial company with limited liability. It is not required to meet the share capital required of a GmbH. A UG can be established with as little as €1.
All German limited companies should appear on the Unternehmens Register and will have a 4-6 digit registration number, proceeded by HRA or HRB.
The following types of charities/non-profit organisations can use GoCardless:
Unregistered Charities This is a nongovernmental legal entity that is generally governed by federal law.
Verein (Associations) This is a membership organisation whose members have come together to permanently pursue a common purpose. They are formally established by Notary deed, which contains the articles of association.
IMPORTANT: If your organisation has its own company number, please sign up to GoCardless as a limited company.
Individual/sole trader
German individual/sole traders (Einzelunternehmen) can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers.
This business type is the simplest form of a commercial activity in Germany. Examples of businesses that may fall under this business type include freelancers and personal trainers.
Registered Partnership - GbR (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts)
A GbR must consist of at least two shareholders, who can be natural or legal persons. The shareholders are personally liable for the company’s obligations as joint debtors. Each one is liable directly, unlimitedly, as a joint debtor, and relating to decline and withdrawal (parallel of leadership and liability).
New Zealand
Limited Company
Limited Companies based in New Zealand are able to use GoCardless. In this type of business, the amount of a shareholder's debt is limited to the value of their shares.
Individual/sole trader
Individual/sole traders in New Zealand can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers. Examples of businesses that may fall under this business type include freelancers and personal trainers.
Limited Company
GoCardless can onboard Spanish Sociedad Limitada (SL) businesses. All Spanish limited companies have a registration number (NIF/CIF) and are recorded in the Spanish companies register.
The following types of charities/non-profit organisations can use GoCardless:
Fundacion The most common type of registered charity in Spain. Has a charity number that begins with G. (e.g. G12345678)
Associations Generally takes the form of a club and society. Is not registered with an official body.
Individual/sole trader
The types of Spanish individual/sole traders that can use GoCardless are as follows:
Empresario Individual This is a sole trader who is wholly liable and requires no specific start-up capital.
Autónomo This is an independent professional who is self-employed.
Limited Company
There are 2 types of limited company in the UK that can use GoCardless to collect payments:
Limited by shares This type of business typically makes a profit and keeps all finances separate from personal ones. This business has shares and shareholders.
Limited by guarantee This type of business does not typically make a profit and keeps all finances separate from personal ones. This business has guarantors, rather than shareholders and invests profits back into the organisation.
The following UK charitable organisations can use GoCardless:
Registered charity Registered with the Charity Commission.
Excepted charity Is not required to register with the Charity Commission, by order of the Commission. E.g. Scout or Guide group
Unregistered club or society This is not an excepted charity, but is not registered with the Charity Commission. The gross annual income is lower than £5,000.
Other A charity or non-profit that does not fit into the other categories. E.g. Schools or councils
Community amateur sports club (CASC) Must be registered with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). These organisations are not regulated by the Charity Commission.
Individual/sole trader
Individual/sole traders in the UK can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers. This business type is owned and operated by a sole individual who is self-employed.
Individual/sole trader
Individual/sole traders in the US can use GoCardless to collect payments from their customers. This business type is owned and operated by a sole individual who is self-employed.
Limited company
There are two types of corporations in the US that can use GoCardless to collect payments:
Corporations Corporations have a board of Directors and Shareholders. Their company names will typically end with Corp or Inc.
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) Limited Liability Companies have 'members' rather than 'shareholders'.