Adding Customers
Before you can create and collect payments from your customers, you first need to set them up in your GoCardless account. As GoCardless operates on a pull-based payment mechanism, you will need to invite them to authorise you to collect payments from their bank account. We offer three ways to do this via your dashboard, which we’ll cover one by one in this section.
We do offer one exception to this customer setup process via the GoCardless dashboard - Paylinks. Paylinks allow you to connect a single payment to a multi-use authorisation link so that the payment immediately begins processing once a customer submits their details. See here for more information.
Please note: Customers will need to provide their first and last name, email address, billing address and bank details to set up a payment authorisation.
Within this section, you will find the following articles:
Share an authorisation link
This article shows you how you can share a direct link to your authorisation form.
Invite customers via email
This article explains how you can invite your customers, to set up an authorisation, via email.
Set up customers via CSV
This article provides information on how to upload customer information into your GoCardless account in bulk, and send authorisation invites to all in one go.
Creating customers (offline mandates)
This article explains how to create customers on the dashboard after having collected their details via paper mandate or over the phone using an approved script.
Restricted mandates
This article explains what a restricted mandate is and how it can be set up.
Pending customer approval mandates
This article provides information on pending customer approval mandates.
Sending an authorisation reminder
This article shows you how to send a reminder email to customers that need to complete their dual signature mandate.