Language and country codes for CSV file
This article provides a list of language and country codes to use in the CSV file.
Language codes are used in the customer.language column to specify the language in which the customer should receive their notification emails. This field is not case-sensitive. We will derive the language from the customer's bank account country code if left empty.
Country codes are used in the customer.country_code (if applicable) to list the country code of the customer’s address.
Available languages for customer.language field:
English |
en |
French |
fr |
German |
de |
Spanish |
es |
Portuguese |
pt |
Italian |
it |
Danish |
da |
Norwegian |
nb |
Slovenian |
sl |
Swedish |
sv |
List of country codes:
Australia |
AU |
Latvia |
LV |
Austria |
AT |
Luxembourg |
LU |
Belgium |
BE |
Malta |
MT |
Bulgaria |
BG |
Monaco |
MC |
Canada |
CA |
Netherlands |
NL |
Croatia |
HR |
New Zealand |
NZ |
Cyprus |
CY |
Norway |
NO |
Czech Republic |
CZ |
Poland |
PL |
Denmark |
DK |
Portugal |
PT |
Estonia |
EE |
Romania |
RO |
Finland |
FI |
San Marino |
SM |
France |
FR |
Slovakia |
SK |
Germany |
DE |
Slovenia |
SI |
Greece |
GR |
Spain |
ES |
Hungary |
HU |
Sweden |
SE |
Ireland |
IE |
United Kingdom |
GB |
Italy |
IT |
United States |
US |