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you're looking for?
Account setup & management
Controlling your brand
- ACH custom notifications
- US (ACH) payment page requirements (advanced)
- VRP payment page requirements
- Partner notifications
- Payer notifications
- Merchant notifications
- Customer export information
- Subscription export information
- Payment export information
- Dashboard reporting
- Success+ reporting
- Protect+ reporting
Updating your business information
- Change of legal entity
- Change your payout bank account
- Updating your billing details
- Updating your registered business address
- Updating your GoCardless account name
- Business Ownership / Legal Entity Change
Account Security
- Keeping your account secure
- Contacting GoCardless Support
- Mandatory Password Resets
- Update password and/or log in details
- Account security FAQs
- Disable 2-factor authentication
Navigating the dashboard
Moving existing customers to GoCardless
- Moving customers from standing order
- Moving customers from credit or debit card
- FAQ's about the bulk change process
- Client migration data requirements (Bacs)
- Bacs bulk change process
- Language and country codes for CSV file
Package upgrades
- Merchant name on customer bank statement (Add-on)
- Downgrading your account
- Add-on fees
- Custom pricing
- Pro package
- Advanced plan