Pending customer approval (mandates)
A pending customer approval status applies against customer mandates when...
Customers require more than one person to authorise Direct Debits on their bank account, and
Select this option when completing their online authorisation form.
You can find more information on the dual signature mandate process in our reference section.
How to check if a mandate is pending customer approval
Navigate to the customer's page in your dashboard and click on their bank account
You will find the mandate beneath the details section. Notice that in this case the mandate has a grey dot beside it. This shows that it requires further action before it can reach an active status.
Click on the mandate reference to view in more detail. You can confirm the current status of the mandate in the details section. (This can also be confirmed in the mandate history timeline beneath).
Once the customer returns the signed dual signature form, the mandate creation request will be submitted to their bank. The mandate will now be active and you can collect payments from them.
Please note: If you have already created a payment or subscription for the customer you will see a grey dot against these. If clicked on to view in more detail, a message will show at the top of the screen advising that the customer's mandate requires multiple signatures and they haven't yet completed the process.