GoCardless for Sage FAQs
How can I split invoices in the new GoCardless for Sage application?
Functionality to split an invoice into multiple instalments will be released in Sage 50 v24.1 at the start of December. We will notify all legacy integration users when this is released.
Prior to this release there are a couple of ways to take an invoice in instalments:
Raise multiple invoices with difference due dates
E.g to collect a £1200 invoice in 12 monthly instalments:
1. Ensure your customer has an active GoCardless Direct Debit mandate matched to the appropriate customer record in Sage 50
- Any unmatched mandates can be found in Settings > Company Preferences > Match where a list of unmatched GoCardless mandates will be shown with a drop down of available Sage customer records.
- Request customers set up new mandates by following this process
2. Create 12 invoices, each with a different monthly due date
- Optionally, you can apply different invoice due dates to each invoice alongside identical invoice dates, in order to recognise the income in the same month.
3. Select the invoices in bulk to be collected by Direct Debit
- Click Customers then select all customers you wish to request payments for
- On the toolbar click Request DD payment
- In the pop up Manage Direct Debit window, select all invoices you wish to request payment for
- Click Request Payment and
- Click Submit
Each payment will be collected on the invoice due date automatically, and reconciled in your Sage 50 account.
Please note: You can change the charge date relative to the invoice due date at an account level. Charge your customer up to 30 days prior to the invoice due date, or charge on the invoice due date by selecting 0 days.
Collect the payments in the GoCardless dashboard
1. Log in to the GoCardless dashboard at www.gocardless.com (top right Sign in button)
If you do not remember your password, you can reset it here
2. Action either of the following options:
2 a) Set up a Subscription in GoCardless by following these instructions. (The subscription would need to be cancelled after December).
2 b) Create one-off payments for individual instalments per customer or by using the bulk importing tool.
3. Create required invoice(s) in Sage 50
Do not request payment via Direct Debit as this will result in your customer being charged twice
4. When a payment is received click on Settlements in the toolbar. Payments received will be shown in a new window
If the customer charged has an active GoCardless mandate (which has been matched to a Sage customer record),outstanding invoices for this customer will be available to manually mark the incoming payment against, or you can choose from all outstanding invoices.
Please note: Customers will receive an initial notification when the subscription is set up telling them the date, amount and frequency of payments. They will not receive a notification prior to each individual payment after this initial notification however. When the subscription is cancelled the customer would also receive a notification email.